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Saturday, 26 October 2024
Taiwan independence means war, Chinese envoy warns
Zheng Zeguang, Chinese Ambassador to the United Kingdom - Official Twitter account

The Chinese envoy to the United Kingdom warned that British and American interference in the Taiwan issue could result in a war, claiming that Beijing’s ties with the UK are now at a crossroads over the island.

Taking to the pages of the Guardian in an op-ed on Tuesday (August 16), Chinese ambassador to the UK Zheng Zeguang offered his government’s stance on the territorial spat while declaring that Taiwan had become a “touchstone issue” for China, the US and the UK alike.

“Over the years, the US has been playing the ‘Taiwan card’ to contain China by approving arms sales to the island, upgrading its relations with the authorities there and hollowing out the one-China principle,” the envoy wrote, referring to a policy that discourages foreign states from forming diplomatic relations with Taipei, which has long been self-governed. 

Zheng also urged Britain to avoid following in the “footsteps of the US,” citing recent visits by senior American lawmakers to Taiwan, and noted that the island “has always been a sensitive matter at the center of relations between the UK and China.”

The ambassador’s comments come amid a new round of Chinese military drills in the air and waters around Taiwan, mirroring another bout of exercises held immediately after a visit to Taiwan by US House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

UK Foreign Secretary Liz Truss recently denounced the drills, saying they “threaten peace and stability in the region,” echoing similar condemnation from her American counterpart.

Canadian lawmakers plan Taiwan trip amid rising China tensions

Zheng likewise accused China’s rivals of disturbing regional peace by attempting to intervene on the Taiwan issue, warning of “serious consequences” if London “crosses the red line of the Chinese side.”

On Wednesday (Aug 17), Liberal Member of Canadian Parliament Judy Sgro said, a delegation of Canadian lawmakers plans to visit Taiwan in October to seek economic opportunities in the Asia-Pacific region, a move that could further stoke tensions between China and the West.

"The intent is not to disrupt and cause problems for Taiwan, or problems for China. It's about trade, it's about friendship, it's about opportunities for Canada, in that whole Asia-Pacific region," Ms Sgro, who heads the trade panel, told Reuters.

Taiwan rejects China's 'one country, two systems' plan for the island

The relationship between China and the West has worsened since US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan earlier this month against Beijing's wishes.

China claims Taiwan as its territory and is against foreign politicians visiting the island. Democratically governed Taiwan rejects China's claims.
