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Saturday, 27 July 2024
Embracing destiny: a glorious King Charles III
Luisa Markides

Thick clouds and heavy rain over London. The 6th of May, the day that wrote long awaited history. 
The United Kingdom has a new king. The newly crowned King Charles III is the 40st monarch to have stepped into Westminster Abby for the coronation. A solemn, wonderfully glorious, and deeply religious two hours Anglican ceremony. Every gesture, every eyeblink has been carefully watched by over 10.4 million people at home and over 1.5 million people have witnessed this moment of history in public places. Fromliving rooms, private garden parties, street parties to huge public viewing screenings around the United Kingdom. 

The world has much changed since the last coronation that took part 70 years ago. Almost unrecognizable. But tradition remains tradition, no matter how much the entire universe has moved on. Charles III has been proclaimed King after following an over thousand-year-old coronation tradition. The first coronation at Westminster Abby dates to 1066, however, the main element of the ceremony goes back as much as 973 AD. 

What probably is one of the most touching parts, to see how the whole nation comes together. The unity between completestrangers that become one. Everyone with one aim: be part of that moment that will enter history and remembered and studied by our generations to come during their history lessons at school. 

King Charles II is not only the oldest monarch to have been proclaimed king, but also the longest serving Royal to have waited to take the throne at Buckingham Palace for over 70 years. How must it feel to him, while the entire world is watching as he walks down confidently the isle at the imposing Cathedral? The same path all his past 39 ancestors walked before him, as last his own dear mother Queen Elizabeth II in 1953?

Growing up as a very small child, knowing one day after his mothers passing, he will be proclaimed king of a whole Nation and the Commonwealth, a destiny that has been placed on Charles at a tender age of three. Charles once recalled the prospect of ascending the throne as “something that dawn on you in the most ghastly, inexorable way”. Or as he said during his first audience to the then Prime Minister Liz Truss while she expressed her condolences “The moment I have been dreading”.  

However, on Saturday the 6th of May the nation welcomed a victorious and radiant looking King. As the newspaper the following day made headlines describing the day as “Crowning glory of happy and glorious Coronation” (BBC), “the look that says: ‘Darling, it was a triumph’” (The Mail), “Crowning Glory” (The Sun), “At least, their crowning glory” (The Sunday Times) confirms that King Charles has successfully fulfilled his destiny. The deeply touching and emotional moment when Prince Williams swears allegiance while kissing his father’s cheek for the first time. The revelation of a deep bond between father and son, regardless of the change in hierarchy. 
As with everything else, there are always two sides to every reality. Where there is supporting cheering and commitment to serve the new King, there is also a large amount of disagreement. These feelings confirm the 52 people that have been arrested in Central London while protesting against the monarchy on the day of the coronation. People have gathered as they do not recognize the new King and request to have the monarchy scrabbed and instead elect a head of state. Newer before a coronation has sparked so much controversy and anti-royal protests. Many might be the reasons. From the troubled and dramatic King’s past we all know too well about or perhaps, given that we write it the 21st of Century which is facing a global crisis on many different aspects. 
For once, to the majority little does it matter. The joy of being part of this unforgettable day is way more significative than current hard feelings. It is the joy of a nation that for the third time in less than a year gathers to celebrate history confirming that values after all is what people adhere to perceive. Long live the King

By: Luisa Markides