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Wednesday, 02 October 2024
A big blow of Iran's resistance to Khamenei
Khamenei a month ago in a sham election with the appointment of Ebrahim Ra'isi as his next president, and two weeks later with the appointment of Mullah Mohseni Ejei as head of the judiciary thought that he had unified his regime and thus It is more stable.

But last week, the Mojahedin Khalq Organization of Iran, the only organized opposition that poses a serious threat to overthrow Iran's religious regime held an international gathering called Free Iran, which was held virtually and in which more than 50,000 Points in 105 countries of the world were connected.

This extraordinary meeting that their supporters were able to attend together, showed that this organization is still a serious threat not only to the mullahs' regime but also Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in her speech at the conference pledged to overthrow the ruling dictatorship of Iran and replace it with a free republic based on the separation of religion and state committed to the freedom and equality of all Iranians, as well as a nuclear-free Iran.

In this gathering, which was held for 3 days on July 10-12, important personalities from different countries participated and spoke in support of the resistance of the Iranian people. These included Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State under Donald Trump, Mr. Jans Jansa, the current Prime Minister of Slovenia, more than 30 senators and current members of the US Congress, including Senator Menendez, Sen. Ted Cruz, Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader in Congress, Dona Brazile, the former leader of the Democratic Party, dozens of senators, and former congressmen such as Sen.

Joseph Lieberman And Sen. Robert Torricelli, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani at the time of the 9/11 attacks; John Bolton, former US ambassador to the United Nations and national security adviser; former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, former Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, former Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, former Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, former Prime Minister of România Petre Roman, and many former foreign and defense ministers of France, Italy, Britain, Poland, etc., and many other important figures, each in their speeches condemning the Khamenei regime and in particular, the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 by Ebrahim Ra'isi, who was serving as a Tehran prosecutor and a member of the death team at the time, and expressed support for the Iranian resistance led by Maryam Rajavi.

"The Iranian people see the corrupt ruling theocracy as their real enemy and the first and most important cause of the economic crisis," Pompeo said. "We must continue to support the Iranian people and, in the first instance, support the trial of Ebrahim Ra'isi for crimes against humanity because they are fighting for a free and a democratic Iran in any way they can".

Mike Pompeo's remarks angered the Iranian regime, with Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh targeting Pompeo with obscenities and insults.
Slovenian Prime Minister Jans Jansha also said: "for 33 years the world had forgotten the 30,000 political prisoners massacred in 1988. This must change. Especially since the person who has been accused by Amnesty International of crimes against humanity has now become the President of Iran".

Following this stance of the Slovenian Prime Minister, the Foreign Ministry of the Iranian regime summoned the Slovanian ambassador in Tehran to the Foreign Ministry out of anger and expressed his official protest against this stance. But later Foreign Ministry of Slovenia also summoned the Iranian ambassador in Ljubljana and announced that their policy stands for respecting human rights and condemning any human rights violations by any country.
"Shame on any government in the world to sit down and try to negotiate on any issue with the government headed by Ebrahim Raisi," former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper said in a speech condemning Raisi.
Mr. John Berko also stressed the establishment of a free and democratic government in Iran that has no affiliation with the former monarchy and the current regime. Khamenei

In this gathering, despite the Iranian regime's strict control over the Internet and the creation of an atmosphere of repression and suffocation inside Iran, messages of 1000 Mojahedin resistance units, were broadcasted from inside Iran, that announced their readiness for the final battle with the mullahs.

This message, above all, frightens the revolutionary guards (Pasdaran), who is responsible for repressing the people, because they know that these messages show the Iranian people that there is an organized resistance in Iran that is ready to enter at the earliest opportunity, and with the help of the people to take control of the cities in a short time (like what happened in November 2019). Khamenei

Of course, this time, unlike in 2019, Khamenei will not be able to easily suppress the uprising, and this time the uprising is more likely to end up overthrowing his regime. levant

by: Cyrus Yaqubi levant

Cyrus Yaqubi is a Research Analyst and Iranian Foreign Affairs Commentator investigating the social issues and economy of the middle east countries in general and Iran in particular.