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Sunday, 13 October 2024
  • Ankara's Hypocrisy.. Erdogan Condemns Israel While Ignoring His Country's Violations in Syria

  • Despite Erdogan's sharp criticisms of Israel, Turkey's expansionist policies in the region directly contribute to regional instability, making his calls for peace empty and lacking credibility
Ankara's Hypocrisy.. Erdogan Condemns Israel While Ignoring His Country's Violations in Syria
إسرائيل وتركيا/ أرشيفية

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made controversial statements about the situation in the Middle East, accusing Israel of committing "genocide" in Gaza. He said these actions "are happening in plain sight and have taken their place in the pages of shame in human history."

Notably, these accusations come from the president of a country that occupies parts of Syria, raising serious doubts about Erdogan's integrity and his true commitment to the principles he claims to defend.

Erdogan added: "Israel is not only targeting stability in Palestine and Lebanon but is also working to spread the fire burning there to the region." He deliberately ignored Turkey's own role in igniting tensions in the region, especially through its ongoing military interventions in Syria and Iraq.

The Turkish President claimed that "this shame stains the foreheads of supporters of the terrorist Zionist organization known today as Israel and will haunt them for generations." Erdogan uses strong language against Israel, forgetting the international criticism directed at Turkey for its support of armed groups in Syria and Libya, revealing a blatant double standard in Turkish foreign policy.

Regarding Syria, Erdogan claimed that Turkey respects its territorial unity, saying: "We will continue to work for the restoration of Syria's unity and the achievement of peace and stability there." However, according to observers, this statement blatantly contradicts the reality on the ground, where Turkish forces continue to occupy large parts of northern Syria, including the city of Afrin, in a flagrant violation of Syrian sovereignty and international law.

In an attempt to justify the Turkish military presence, Erdogan referred to what he described as "an alliance force consisting of the United States, Britain, and Germany protecting the terrorist PKK/YPG organization," in an attempt to divert attention from Turkish violations in Syria and portray the Turkish military intervention as a defensive action, ignoring the fact that the Turkish presence in Syria constitutes a flagrant violation of international law.

Erdogan concluded his statements by saying: "We need to save the region through solidarity, leaving aside narrow interest calculations." According to observers, this is a hollow call for solidarity in light of Turkey's expansionist policies in the region, which clearly seek to achieve its own interests at the expense of neighboring countries' sovereignty and the stability of the region as a whole.

According to observers, Erdogan's statements reveal deep contradictions in Turkish foreign policy, as Ankara tries to present itself as a regional power supporting peace while continuing its violations of neighboring countries' sovereignty and military interventions that destabilize the region.

Levant - Agencies