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Sunday, 27 October 2024
Iran's Hostile Messages to Kurdistan Region
Jwan Dibo

Unlike Turkey that fights Kurds directly and by itself, inside and outside, Iran fights Kurds  outside its territory, indirectly and via its followers. On 17 October, supporters of Iran-backed, Hashd al-Shaabi, an Iraqi Shi’ite militias group, set fire to the offices of the fifth headquarters  of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in Baghdad. These groups were the same pro-Iranian  militias that invaded and occupied the city of Kirkuk in October 2017 at the behest of Iran,  following the independence referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan.

The declared reason behind the attack of the pro-Iranian Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) against KDP’s offices was a statement said by a senior KDP official.

Former Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, said earlier this month that “the government should clean up the Green Zone  in Baghdad of the presence of the PMF militia”.

He explained that expelling them is an  essential task because they operate outside the law. He also accused those militias of being  the ones that targeted Erbil International Airport with missiles at the end of last month.

However, the underlying cause of this barbaric attack is divided into two parts: direct and  indirect

. The immediate factor lies about Iran's discontent with the recent agreement  between the federal government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)  earlier this month regarding Sinjar.

The agreement stipulated an end to the armed presence of PKK and PMF in Sinjar and the  assumption of security duties there by Baghdad and Erbil together.

Especially, since the  agreement followed a visit by Iraqi Prime Minister to Washington in late August. The visit  during which the U.S. President urged Iraqi Prime Minister to expedite the settlement of Sinjar  issue in a manner that satisfies both Baghdad and Erbil.

For Iran, the importance of Sinjar stems from its geopolitical position and what it constitutes  in the context of the Shiite Crescent project that links Iran to Lebanon through Iraq and Syria.

Since the location of Kurdistan region and its moderate policies constitute an impenetrable  barrier in the face of the Iranian plan, therefore, Iran will not hesitate to harm Kurdistan  region by various means. What exacerbates the Iranian regime’s anger against KRG is that the  latter coordinates with Washington and Baghdad for the rule of law and ending the control  of the Iranian-backed Shiite militias.

Iranian hostility against Kurdistan region, especially KDP in Erbil, has intensified since the  independence referendum in September 2017. This was evident when Iran instructed PMF to  foray and conquer the city of Kirkuk in October in the wake of the Kurdish independence

referendum. Also, through the periodic bombing of the sites of Kurdistan Democratic Party - Iran in Iraqi Kurdistan. The systematic Iranian hostility includes the Syrian Kurds and the U.Sbacked Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which constitute Syria's local force in the face of the  Iranian plot.

Iran's goal behind the burning of the offices of KDP in Baghdad by its affiliated militias is to  deliver a message to Washington, Erbil, and Baghdad together.

The message was a preemptive offensive move by Iran and its Iraqi allies to undermine the recent agreement  reached between Baghdad and Erbil regarding Sinjar. Similarly, to disturbing the relations  between Baghdad and Erbil and to delay reaching a solution to the disputed territories issue,

based on Article 140 of the Iraqi constitution.

Day after day it becomes clear that Iran was and still is the main obstacle to the stability and  prosperity of Iraq and the entire Middle East. Here, Iranian agendas intersect with Turkish  efforts in opposing the legitimate aspirations of Kurdistan region for independence.

The  burning of the offices of KDP by the armed gangs affiliated with Iran, undeniably  demonstrates the validity of the independence choice adopted by the people and leadership  of Kurdistan.

by : Jwan Dibo