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Sunday, 27 October 2024
 Fuel Crisis in Al-Hasakah Following Turkish Airstrikes
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Fuel stations in the Al-Hasakah governorate received a directive to suspend the distribution of diesel allocated for heating after four days of extensive airstrikes by Turkish aircraft targeting military positions and oil facilities belonging to the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in northeastern Syria.

A fuel station owner in the city of Al-Hasakah, who requested anonymity, told Syria TV that “the directive issued by the Fuel Directorate of the SDF required all stations to stop distributing heating diesel to residents of towns, cities, and the Al-Hasakah countryside.”

The source explained that “the directive did not specify the reason for this decision but mentioned that the distribution of diesel would not resume until a new directive is issued.”

Yesterday, Turkish aircraft targeted the “Tel Adas” oil station in the countryside of Malikiya for the first time, which is the main center for distributing oil to local refineries and filling tanks that transport oil to regime areas and areas controlled by the National Army in northern Syria.

Residents have complained about the lack of fuel (gasoline – diesel) at dozens of fuel stations in cities and towns of the Al-Hasakah governorate for the second consecutive day, with prices rising in the black market.

Abu Bashir, a small truck driver, stated that all types of diesel are unavailable at fuel stations in Al-Hasakah, while small quantities are sold in the black market at high prices.

He clarified that “the price per liter has risen to six or seven thousand Syrian pounds over the past two days due to the unavailability of regular diesel at the price of 4,700 Syrian pounds at fuel stations.”