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Monday, 28 October 2024
Britain hosts a conference on women's rights in Iran
Britain hosts a conference on women's rights in Iran

On Tuesday, the British Parliament hosted a conference at which deputies from both the opposition and power parties, as well as prominent jurists and figures concerned with women's rights, discussed women's rights in Iran and what the UK government should do to support the struggle for women-led democratic change.

In his intervention, Mr. David Ames, a member of the House of Commons, stated: "In Parliament, we all stand for equality: The UK government must support the popular uprisings in Iran against the regime, and support Maryam Rajavi and her 10-point democratic plan for Iran as a viable alternative to the current religious dictatorship."

Ames added that the UK government should review its current policy on Tehran, support the country's popular uprisings against corruption, intimidation of women and repression, and support Madame Rajavi and its 10-point democracy.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Rajavi said: “The regime’s failure to intimidate people to go to the polls reflects the honor of the Iranian people for the 1500 martyrs of the November 2019 uprising and warns of subsequent uprisings.”

While Dr. Matthew Offord, a member of the House of Commons, stressed that “there is a consensus between MPs and peers calling on the UK government to support the democratic aspirations of the Iranian people and the National Resistance Council, saying that“ the leadership style and energy that women bring to protests in Iran and the organized opposition of the PMOI and the National Council Iranian resistance is a decisive factor for their ultimate victory over this brutal dictatorship. ”

While Professor Alton of the House of Lords noted in his intervention during the conference: “As part of international pressure, the UK government must take immediate steps at the United Nations Security Council to declare leaders of the religious system as perpetrators of crimes against humanity for decades of systematic violations of human rights.”

He added: “This must include accountability of regime officials for the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners. If he is challenged and banned, the UK government must help establish an international court to bring those responsible to justice. ”

Also, His Excellency David Jones, Member of Parliament from the House of Commons confirmed in a speech delivered at the conference: “I think that brave women should be recognized in Iran, especially in 2020, given their unique and prominent role in the anti-regime protests that the world has been witnessing since late 2017.”

Baroness Verma told a conference in the British Parliament that "Maryam Rajavi is a prominent figure for all of us, and governments and ministers around the world should show the same courage and defend the rights of women not only in Iran but all over the world."

Baronet of Eaton touched upon her intervention during the conference: “We call on all individuals who love human rights and democratic governments around the world and the United Kingdom to support these brave women and their legitimate opposition represented by the National Council of the Iranian Resistance and its great leader Maryam Rajavi.”

She added, “An increasing number of women and girls are joining the protests and the Iranian resistance movement against the regime. The UK government should support these brave women and their legitimate opposition within the framework of the Iranian National Resistance Council for Change."