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Sunday, 27 October 2024
Coronavirus: Portugal is in ‘terrible’ phase of pandemic, PM Costa says
A healthcare worker with protection gear stands at the Covid-19 emergency room of Santa Maria hospital in Lisbon. (AP)

Portugal is in a terrible phase of the coronavirus pandemic, Prime Minister Antonio Costa said, warning that it would be some weeks before things might start to improve and only limited help could be expected from abroad.

With a total of 668,951 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 11,305 deaths, including a record 293 dead on Wednesday, Portugal has the world’s highest seven-day average of new daily cases and deaths per million inhabitants.

The situation was not “bad”, it was “terrible”, Costa told the TVI broadcaster overnight.

“There is no point in feeding the illusion that we are not facing the worst moment,” he said.

“And we’ll face this worst moment for a few more weeks, that is for sure.”

More than 20 ambulances with COVID-19 patients queued outside Portugal’s largest hospital on Wednesday evening as they waited for beds to become available, while doctors in other hospitals warned of a risk of the oxygen support system collapsing.

Costa said the situation had worsened partly because his government relaxed restrictive measures between Christmas and the end of the year, but also due to the virulence of a new variant of the virus first detected in Britain.

“There were certainly errors: often the way I transmitted the message to the Portuguese ... and, when the recipient of the message did not understand the message, then it is the messenger’s fault, I have no doubt about it,” he said.

Germany said on Wednesday that it was sending military medical experts to Portugal to see what kind of support it could bring.

But Costa warned there was only so much Germany and other European partners could do, adding that “one should be cautious” about the idea of sending patients to foreign countries - like Germany, for instance, did last year with patients just across the border in France.

“It is different for a country which has a geographical position like Portugal - between the Atlantic and Spain - than for a country that is at the center of Europe with borders with several countries and therefore where cross-border collaboration is much more common and much easier.”

Regarding possible German aid, he said: “In everything Portugal has asked for, unfortunately they have no availability, namely doctors, nurses. They have ventilators, but at the moment we don’t need it because we have enough.”

In a rare note of hope, he did add that the lockdown measures decided last week should, in principle, start having an impact on contagion numbers next week.

source: Reuters

Image source: AP
