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Friday, 18 October 2024
  • Fragile Truce and Deadly Clashes Between Turkish-Backed Factions in Northern Aleppo

  • Attempts to dissolve the "Northern Hawks Brigade" highlight a shift in Turkish policy towards armed factions, potentially leading to a reshaping of the power map in northern Syria
Fragile Truce and Deadly Clashes Between Turkish-Backed Factions in Northern Aleppo
انتهاكات في عفرين.. قمع مظاهرات وفرض إتاوات على مزارعي الزيتون

The northern and eastern countryside of Aleppo witnessed a dangerous escalation in armed clashes between Turkish-backed factions, resulting in 12 fatalities, including 4 from the Joint Force, 6 from the Northern Hawks Brigade, and two civilians (a man and a woman). Additionally, 27 civilians were injured, including 3 children.

The casualties were distributed as follows:

Two members of the Northern Hawks Brigade were killed in clashes with Joint Force factions in the countryside of Al-Rai and Al-Bab.

Four members of the Joint Force died in confrontations with the Levant Front faction on the Kafr Jannah and Qatma fronts in the Sharan district of Afrin countryside.

A man and a woman were killed by random gunfire in the camps of Kafr Jannah village due to clashes between the Levant Front and the Joint Force.

Four members of the Northern Hawks Brigade were killed in clashes with the Joint Force in the villages of Sheikhorzeh, Saarnajkeh, and Kutanli in the Maabatli district of Afrin countryside.

Following calls from civil society organizations in northwestern Syria, the warring factions committed to a temporary humanitarian truce to reach the wounded and evacuate civilians from the conflict areas. A cautious calm prevailed in the region today, with an agreement on a truce ending in the afternoon to open roads for civilian movement.

In the "Olive Branch" area, the Joint Force took control of Northern Hawks' headquarters without clashes after the truce was implemented, while the leadership withdrew to Azaz city. The Joint Force had previously taken control of headquarters in the villages of Kamruk, Sheikhura, Ali Karo, and Kutanli in rural Afrin.

In the "Euphrates Shield" area, elements of "Ahrar al-Sham" and the "Levant Front" deployed in the city of Al-Bab and the entrances to the town of Qabasin, preparing to attack Joint Force positions. The "Levant Front" also targeted Joint Force headquarters in the Hur Kilis area on the Syrian-Turkish border.

According to sources, orders were issued by Turkish intelligence for the Joint Force to attack the headquarters of the "Northern Hawks Brigade," while the "Levant Front" intervened to support the brigade. These clashes have caused a state of terror among civilians, especially children and women, amid appeals for intervention by conflict resolution forces to stop the fighting.
